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Hi Jessica 志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年04月29日 (日) 08時47分 No.464

icon Spring has come to Sapporo.
The flower in the garden began to bloom.
I'm happy!
jessica 2007年04月29日 (日) 09時52分 No.465

icon flowers
OH! i love flowers! we have humming birds in out yard! i have never seen them around here. SO HAPPY!

Hi Jessica 志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年04月23日 (月) 06時22分 No.460

icon I also made to VISTA in March.
A lot of programs that do not operate still.
windows 2000
I think that your select is correct.
jessica 2007年04月23日 (月) 16時24分 No.461

icon pc
i have a new pc it is way faster then my old one and it works! ^0^

as for my mom and brother they will get new computer parts too because now my computer is faster^^
志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年04月25日 (水) 20時55分 No.462

icon Hi Jessica
Oh yes!
The computer with a fast processing is happy.
I understand your pleasure well.
I'm assembling pc by myself.
Processing quickens very much only because it replaces a part.
It is very glad.
jessica 2007年04月26日 (木) 17時21分 No.463

icon PC goodness!
^0^ i am glad too!!!

computer death jessica 2007年04月19日 (木) 09時46分 No.457

icon yesterday my computer stopped working. i will get a new one soon i hope ^^
志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年04月20日 (金) 07時10分 No.458

icon New Computer
Hi Jessica.
New Computer is glad though it is sad that computer broke.
OS is Windows VISTA?
jessica 2007年04月20日 (金) 15時24分 No.459

icon pc
i think i have windows 2000
i do not know if i will upgrade. my brother has had many problems with VISTA.

Oh my god..... 志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年04月18日 (水) 17時56分 No.455

icon Virginia Tech.
I am full of the surprise and sadness.
I can't believed that an awful event occurs in USA.
I pray for all of victims....
jessica 2007年04月19日 (木) 09時45分 No.456

icon Virginia Tech
yes it is a very sad thing 32 people lost their lives that day.

i too am sad for what happened in japan as well.

GrindHouse 志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年04月15日 (日) 08時12分 No.452

icon is this?

>special dinner.
What a happy time.
I want to eat a lot of egg dishes!
jessica 2007年04月16日 (月) 16時06分 No.454

icon easter eggs
YES!! that is grindhouse http://www.grindhousemovie.net/


as for eggs we did not have any this year. we did have CHOCOLATE eggs ^0^ and peeps.

i have drawn some pictures of Xerxes from 300 with Peeps. I have no idea why but it is fun!!!!

ご無沙汰です さくら 2007年04月12日 (木) 20時35分 No.451

icon 色々あって激動の数週間を過ごしました。


やっと精神的に落ち着ける・・・・・かも(^_^;) 今後の食生活要注意ですが、まずは1人ビールで乾杯です。
連れは・・・・・ お茶とケーキでニンマリ(^^♪してます。


志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年04月15日 (日) 08時15分 No.453

icon お疲れさまでした

Happy Easter! 志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年04月08日 (日) 18時03分 No.447

icon Hi Jessica.
Happy Easter to you!
The custom of celebrating Easter is not general in Japan.
However, everyone knows.
Japanese loves happy occasions and festival.
All of world!!
jezzann 2007年04月09日 (月) 03時10分 No.448

icon easter

thank you!
i love happy occasions and festivals too!!
志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年04月11日 (水) 05時47分 No.449

Hi Jessica.
What do you do to Easter?
To tell the truth, I don't know a formal way to enjoy EASTER.
jessica 2007年04月11日 (水) 23時13分 No.450

icon easter
our family use to hide eggs and go to the graveyard to visit family.
we have a special dinner (sometimes ham sometimes something else)

we do not hide eggs anymore and no one had time to go to the graveyard but we still have special dinner.

other people might celebrate it differently like going to church or havening a party.

my dad and i went to see GrindHouse that day ^^

Guinness 志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年04月02日 (月) 06時32分 No.443

icon Hi Jessica.
Do you like Guinness?
I love it!
A shop that can drink the Guinness draft beer in Sapporo.
I often go there.
jessica 2007年04月02日 (月) 17時59分 No.444

icon Guinness
i have never had it. i would like to try it.
i think my brother likes it.
志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年04月04日 (水) 06時58分 No.445

icon BEER
Hi Jessica.
Do you like beer?
I love it!
jessica 2007年04月08日 (日) 15時24分 No.446

icon beer
i like some beers but i like it warm ... most people like it cold!!

HAPPY EASTER to you ~~~~

300 志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年03月30日 (金) 05時47分 No.441

icon Hi Jessica.
Information on 300 ..media of Japan.. has increased.
Advance reviews of 300 are very high.
jessica 2007年03月30日 (金) 15時40分 No.442

icon 300
most people liked 300 a bunch. there are some people who are tyeing bad things to it but i myself do not see why.

Someone just gave me over 20 300 wallpapers ^0^ i am so happy!!!

Team America: World Police 志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年03月20日 (火) 07時02分 No.437

icon Hi Jessica.
I rentaled the "Team America" DVD.
I will see tomorrow.
I wanted to see it!

jessica 2007年03月20日 (火) 07時52分 No.438

icon Team America

very funny movie. some people did not like it because of all the crude humor.

i liked it alot~ let me know what you think abou tit please.
志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年03月24日 (土) 18時04分 No.439

I saw TeamAmerica.
I like this movie.
The United States power, humour, and charm are wonderful.
Is the United States World's policeman?
No do matter of such a doubt.
Is the Ultra-man of Japan tutelary in the world?
It is meaningless as the same with the question.
The Japanese believes the United States confidence and power.
The Japanese is proud of the war to the United States though it might be a strange word.
We fought by our best.
This movie is fit in my sensibility.
jessica 2007年03月28日 (水) 18時45分 No.440

icon the movie
I am glad you liked it. some people did not.


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