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snake jessica 2006年08月24日 (木) 15時18分 No.213

icon my snake is just over 5 feet now.

I have only been bitten once in all the years i have had her and it was not long ago ^^
志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2006年08月25日 (金) 22時13分 No.214

icon It bites.
Hi Jessica.
Were you bitten by the snake?
Were not you injured?
It is frightened that it is bitten by the snake.
However, the snake is beautiful.
jessica 2006年08月26日 (土) 18時23分 No.215

icon snake
It was not painful. i had 6 little spots on me. ( a snake has many teeth and 2 ( or more ) big ones) she does not have poison.
志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2006年08月28日 (月) 23時53分 No.216 home

icon Oh....
Hi Jessica.
Six holes …….
Did not the scar remain in your hand?
I'm worried.
I like to see the appearance that the snake eats.
jessica 2006年08月29日 (火) 17時05分 No.217

i think only one hole left a scar. they where not that deep.
I love to watch my snake eat. I get worried. lately she does not get the rats as well as she use to. she ever bit herself las time. (cry)
志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2006年08月31日 (木) 06時30分 No.218 home

icon Food
Hi Jessica.
>only one hole left a scar.
How poor Jessica.....

I like face when the snake eats the big rat.
The snake holds out and it eats the catch.

What kind of food does Jessica give the snake?
jessica 2006年08月31日 (木) 14時21分 No.219

icon food
the snake gets one to three small rats.
The store pickes the ones that they think will not sell. I get some cute ones. but they are all food in the end.
志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2006年09月01日 (金) 05時01分 No.220 home

icon Hi Jessica
Does the snake eat the rat that lives?
jessica 2006年09月01日 (金) 16時42分 No.221

icon food
over the years the snake has learned to eat live or not live food. Now she eats live food. she wraps around it real tight untill it stops breathing then she eats it. she has only eaten it alive two times, and that was when she had mice.


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