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dir en grey jessica 2007年07月09日 (月) 18時13分 No.532

icon OH! Keiichi it was wonderful!
I got to see Dir-En-Grey in concert last night!
I even got autographs! Toshiya was there to sign after but I also got a signed post card and that was signed from all of them!
Kyo is amazing on stage! a few people i know who went and have never heard of DIR Loved Kyo's voice. He is so wonderful! *^_^*

They are so wonderful and so many people where there just to see them! I hope they come back.
志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年07月10日 (火) 21時47分 No.533

icon Dir-En-Grey
Hi Jessica.
Dir-En-Grey American in concert gets into the news in Japan.
Does they sang in Japanese?
Did you get their sign?
It is wonderful!!
If you hope, I send you goods of Dir-En-Grey.
jessica 2007年07月10日 (火) 22時56分 No.534

icon dir en grey

>>>Does they sang in Japanese?

all but one of the songs where in Japanese. the crowd loved it.
IT was so wonderful!! words can not describe how great it was. AND everyone who went wants them to come back!!!

>>>Did you get their sign?

yes i got a postcard with all of them on it (signatures, but it came like that) and i got to hand my CD to one of them and they signed it there! SO NICE!! to take the time to sign after a show.
i think it was Toshiya but i was so happy just to be there i cant remember.
I bowed to him to thank him and he bowed back!! i was so happy.

>>>If you hope, I send you goods of Dir-En-Grey.

send me dir-en-grey?
oh i would love that so very much. nothing would make me as happy. After seeing Dir-en-grey in concert, i have filled my heart with love for them.

Kyo is just so wonderful. he is so artistic and his aura is like none i have ever seen. he puts you in a trance.

thank you so very much.


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