jessica 2007年03月20日 (火) 07時52分 No.438
Team America
very funny movie. some people did not like it because of all the crude humor.
i liked it alot~ let me know what you think abou tit please.
志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年03月24日 (土) 18時04分 No.439
I saw TeamAmerica.
I like this movie.
The United States power, humour, and charm are wonderful.
Is the United States World's policeman?
No do matter of such a doubt.
Is the Ultra-man of Japan tutelary in the world?
It is meaningless as the same with the question.
The Japanese believes the United States confidence and power.
The Japanese is proud of the war to the United States though it might be a strange word.
We fought by our best.
This movie is fit in my sensibility.
jessica 2007年03月28日 (水) 18時45分 No.440
the movie
I am glad you liked it. some people did not.