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thing z what qualifies u to talk in english.we can.whereva we go.em frente de mcdonald,misterd..anywhere.people from brazil,phillipean,russia,africa,should talk in english,french,portugese and this notion z similar to states.am i supposed to pay a fine,sent to prison just by the fact i ordered something em poutgese?english?someone who got courage have to change this country. fuck it if u still insists,bann the public english speaking.likeillegal parking. by the way i speak much more better english than arnold governor of cali but i spent just one year and that was enough for me anyway. if i talk in english,shop must hire south east asian,african,southamerican. if u still wont get it. fuck it. ban the] public speaking em ingles!!!! then...i will bow down.cuz if that z the law u must abide it. anyway..why cant u speak in english living in to years in states? ??
2010年06月13日 (日) 09時43分
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