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it's here!! jessica 2007年10月23日 (火) 06時54分 No.589

icon oH! how wonderful The DVD came today!!
I am so happy. thank you so much . AND the Business card is even better then the DVD i feel! OH! wonderful!!!!
When i send you something ( son) i will make sure to have one of my brothers cards in there. I myself do not have one. Thank you so much again!!! *hug*
jessica 2007年10月23日 (火) 06時56分 No.590

icon oops ^0^
>> when i send you something (son)

sorry it was soon not son. i was just so happy when i was typing this i did not spell it right..

○福       さくら 2007年10月19日 (金) 19時47分 No.588

icon 食べてきたんですよ。ちょっと前に伊勢で・・・


伊勢志摩・白浜に行ってきました        さくら 2007年10月01日 (月) 22時54分 No.585

icon 9月28日、セントレア空港に到着してすぐに伊勢に行ってきましたよ。

おかげ横丁は賑わっていて○福を頂いた後、つらつら歩いていたら干物屋さんから、何やら良い香り。きすの干物が美味しかったです。(食べてばかり *^^)v

何回も遅れてくる・・・ 10分遅れても、一言も無い・・・ 
あの2人にはお参りの効力は無いよねぇ?って周りの人達が口々に・・・ 「すみません」「有り難う」の言葉が必要ですよね。ホント困ったちゃんは勘弁です。



おまけ 志麻さん?なんとお隣の県に行かれていたみたいですねぇ。
志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年10月04日 (木) 06時47分 No.586

icon 伊勢
さくら 2007年10月05日 (金) 22時51分 No.587


た・べ・て・な・い・ぞ〜! やっぱり行かねば(-"-)

my photos are posted!! jessica 2007年09月24日 (月) 21時43分 No.582

icon http://www.flickr.com/jezzann
200 photos
199 photos. ( all the animal pictures are at the end)

here are the pictures from the vacation. there where more but because of the number restriction i could only post 400 ^^
( 200 per account as well)

志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年09月25日 (火) 05時43分 No.583

icon Wonderful!!
Hi Jessica.
I'm glad to see the photograph that you took.
I'll enjoying the photograph.
It's wonderful!!!

Autumn came to Sapporo.
The fish and the vegetable are delicious seasons.
I like autumn.
jessica 2007年09月25日 (火) 06時38分 No.584

icon first day
Autumn came to us yesterday! the leaves are turning and the evening smell is just wonderful! i love the cold breeze ^^

your blog jessica 2007年09月24日 (月) 07時47分 No.581

icon oh i just love your blog my friend. so much wonderful food and the like!! it is sad but i can not seem to get a post on there. i have tried a few times with no luck. i know i am doing it right because i have done it once before. ^^ for now i will just post here ^^

Hi Jessica 志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年09月09日 (日) 23時37分 No.576

icon Ohhhh my God!!!!
I miss the DVD sent for you.
DVD has come back to me.
Please send me your adress again to my e-mail.
I'm sorry.....

jessica 2007年09月14日 (金) 16時21分 No.577

icon trip and address
i am back from the trip!!! i have many pictures to show you! i even went to the oregon vortex!!!

as for the package it is fine^^ i will send the address again.
志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年09月18日 (火) 06時15分 No.579

icon Hi Jessica
Thank you very much for your mail.
I got your adree again.
I'm sorry......
I'll send package again today.

>many pictures
WOW!!! I'd like to see many many pictures!
jessica 2007年09月18日 (火) 18時25分 No.580

icon package
^0^ thank you so much! no need to say sorry it is alright.

as for the pictures i was told i will get them this weekend. so i will send you the link as soon as they are posted

trip jessica 2007年09月09日 (日) 04時53分 No.574

icon i leave on my trip tomorrow ^^ I will let you know how it went when i get back!

I will miss you my friend!!!
志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年09月09日 (日) 06時24分 No.575

icon Hi Jessica.
Please a nice travel.
For me, the report of your travel is the enjoyment.
I came to Tokyo by the business trip.
I feel Tokyo an exciting city.
The history cohabits with the latest in Tokyo unlike Sapporo.
I love Tokyo.
jessica 2007年09月16日 (日) 11時11分 No.578

icon Tokyo
looks like a great place!! next year we will go to Vegas!! i will have more pictures then too!! as for the pictures i have.. i have 400+ so i will post them on a web page soon ^^

Hi Jessica 志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年09月04日 (火) 06時27分 No.572

icon I had the sad affair.
My parents were suitable for the accident in the car.
The car broke completely.
My parents were a little injuries.
They are energetic.
I was very surprised to receive the report from the police.
jessica 2007年09月04日 (火) 13時17分 No.573

icon WORRY!!
i am so happy they are fine.
a car can be replaced. loved ones can not. I wish your parents the best!!!

i am so glad everyone is o.k. ^^

i also wish you the best during this time.

『伊勢神宮』 さくら 2007年09月01日 (土) 21時00分 No.570

icon 今月の連休を利用して、初の伊勢神宮に行ってきます。



志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年09月03日 (月) 06時52分 No.571

icon 伊勢参り


Hi Jessica 志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年08月29日 (水) 06時43分 No.568

icon Total lunar eclipse.

The total lunar eclipse was seen in Sapporo last night.
It was very beautiful!!!
jessica 2007年08月29日 (水) 13時21分 No.569

icon OH YAH!!!
OH!!!! i was so sleepy i missed it ... for some reason i thought it was tonight and not last night ^0^

my mother got to see it and she said it was lovely! I am so happy you got to see it.


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