志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年07月29日 (日) 08時51分 No.547
Hi Jessica.
>DIr-En-grey items.. well i would like a t shirt ( XL) or a photobook or any newer live DVDs.
I found the shop in Sapporo where a lot of goods of DIr-En-grey were sold.
I go to the shop this week.
Pictures!? WOW.
For me, pictures is very the enjoyment.
jessica 2007年07月29日 (日) 09時28分 No.548
thank you
dir en grey! wow that is very cool that you found a store.
I will tryto send you the pictures and there will also be one mp.3. it goes with some of the pictures ^^
志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年07月31日 (火) 21時12分 No.549
"Tour05: It Withers And Withers"
Hi Jessica.
Please check it!
"Tour05: It Withers And Withers"
Are you satisfied in this DVD?
I found DVD with Shop of Sapporo.
I want to confirm DVD to you before it buys one.
jessica 2007年08月01日 (水) 10時58分 No.550
>>Dir En Grey(ディルアングレイ)
>>Tour05: It Withers And Withers
OH WOW!!! that is great! it is 2006 i am so excited!!!
Yes that will be great!
志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年08月03日 (金) 06時45分 No.552
Hi Jessica
Yes. I see!!
>Tour05: It Withers And Withers