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fish saddness jessica 2007年05月27日 (日) 15時54分 No.501

icon today another one of my mothers fish has passed away. i do not remember the name of the type they are but they lived about 2+ years. there is one left all by it's self in the tank ( we have 2 tanks)

we can not move him over to the other because he will be attacked....

we need to get more fish so he can have friends
志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年05月31日 (木) 07時30分 No.502

icon saddness
Of poor fush....
Because the pet dies without fail, I'm sad.
However, it is very glad to see the appearance where they are live and grows up at my home.
I'd like to keep the pets.
jessica 2007年06月01日 (金) 06時32分 No.503

icon fish
oh yes! i do love them in the house over the years! it is very sad when they pass.. my snake is about 10 years old. i will be so sad when it is her time to go. but the memories of her i will always have ^^
志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年06月03日 (日) 08時09分 No.504

icon Hi Jessica.
>i will be so sad when it is her time to go. but the memories of her i will always have ^^

I think so too.
If they do pass, they live through all eternity by my mind.
I recall them many times indefinitely, and become happy feelings.
I will love pets forever.
jessica 2007年06月03日 (日) 09時55分 No.505

icon KITTEN!!!
there is a momma cat by my house behind my fence with two baby kittens!!! they look very healthy! i would love to have a cat!

i found out about them because my dog would panic around the fence and when i went to see why a cat paw hit my dog on the nose!! so funny! i took a picture one of the kittens too!
志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2007年06月06日 (水) 22時06分 No.506

I want to see a pic of KITTENS!
Was The dog surprised as kittens?
All of cat and the dog are lovely.
I want to see the pic of the dog of Jessica.
jessica 2007年06月08日 (金) 12時24分 No.507

icon the dog!
dog! i will take a picture of the dog tonight ^^ i will send you a link to the picture tomorrow.


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