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WOW!! jessica 2006年09月22日 (金) 17時11分 No.244

icon http://www.1up.com/do/slideshow?pager.offset=4&mt=0&cId=3140593&mId=3031152

DANTE!!! Devil may cry 4 looks so good!!!
志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2006年09月24日 (日) 10時08分 No.245 home

icon Devil may cry4
Hi Jessica.
>my dad said he would rent me SAW2.
Oh Great it!
He is very gentle.
Please let me read the impression of Jessica.

>Devil may cry 4 looks so good!!!
YES!! DANTE is cool and Beautiful.
Isn't Devil may cry made into a movie in USA?
jessica 2006年09月25日 (月) 13時47分 No.246

icon devil may cry
Yes after i see saw 2 i will tell you how i liked it.

I think devil may cry will be a movie soon. so will halo, clock tower and many others. A good movie to see is called Stay Alive. it is about a game tthat kills the players the same way they die in the game ^^
志麻ケイイチ/Keiichi 2006年09月26日 (火) 06時35分 No.247

icon RING2
Hi Jessica.
Thank you very much for your kind.
I'm looking forward to your impression.

>I think devil may cry will be a movie soon.
I want to see "Devil may cry" in the movie.
I think that is thrilling and shape Uts picture.

I saw RING2 on Sunday.
It was fear of a deep-seated grudge not logical.
It frightens very much …….
Japanese version RING2 is a quite different story.
However, it was very
jessica 2006年09月26日 (火) 16時45分 No.248

icon movies.
I liked all the japanese rings better. ring, ring2 and ring 0 i think they where called

As for the ones here i liked the Ring better then the Ring 2. (the ones made here)

It was almost like they just tossed together a story just to make a new one.

the grudge 2 (made here) comes out here on oct 13 ( friday ^^) I have never seen the first one here and only parts of the japanese one. (very good by the say)

Have you ever heard of a movie called Ichi the killer?

Here It is VERY popular. I liked the movie alot. it had a good story and was very graphic.
as is a movie called Suicide club. Many people love that movie alot. i liked it too.
there is a rather nice following of people who like movies horror movies from japan.

Japan makes such great horror movies. The "idea" of fear (what scares people) there is differnt then it is here.


as for movies here i liked Section 9 and
28 days later the most ^^.


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